Metafiction Worldbuilding: A Wiki

Every story you've ever known has an afterlife...

So this is a project near and dear to my heart, because and in spite of the general insanity of it. The premise is simple: every character from every story told lives on the metafictional plane of existence, where, now that their tale is all told, they can live and hang out with characters from other stories. Everything after that evolves into an increasingly detailed mess of fictional philosophy, absurd crossovers, and general madness.

This wiki is meant to serve as a general catalog of the worldbuilding details of the setting, both for myself and for others. It should not be essential reading for anything but the briefest short stories where there's really no time to establish anything, but instead a place to gather more information about the setting for the curious. That way I don't have to type everything out fresh every time, and can have my own worldbuilding Bible. If there's a random one-off reference that peaked your interest, this is where you'll find an explanation. I've sorted everything here by topic for you to peruse. Enjoy!

Geography and Metaphysics

Culture and Society

Extra Stuff (For Fun and General Use!)